About us

Mattor matter
Tufting is more than rug making. As strands of threads interweave, our sentiments find an original expression shaped by systematic, guided steps. Fused with a calm and meditative ambience, our open and inspiring space invites you to create both focused, personalised artwork through organic, meaningful and focused interactions. With the steady rhythm of punching and unorchestrated sounds of tufting, we bring together converging hearts and celebrate divergent imaginations.
Make art. Make memories. Make something that matters.
Our beliefs
Our creativity
Everyone is born an artist. We come in all shapes and sizes, so does our creations.
Unleash believe creations
go beyond strokes, to a whole new level.
( Your great piece is not necessary as flat as the earth )
In many forms we create yet there is more we can share our creativities and imagination -
make mattor matter.

Our environment
We believe our environment is more important than anything else. We use as much environmental-friendly substances as possible for our tools and materials.
For example,
we upcycled all the canvas´ frame.
Our vibes
We want to create
an atmosphere where you can share your joy and creativities with friends.
Create memories worth remembering.
But most importantly , we love to see everyone proudly bringing that one of a kind
fluffy creation home.

Mattta Sweden AB (559380-9014)